Section 105. Financial eligibility  

Latest version.
  • Working Individuals with Disabilities; Basic Coverage Group (Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act (TWWIIA)).

    The following standards and methods shall be applied in determining financial eligibility:

    1. The agency applies the following income and resource standards to applicants of this program:

    a. The individual's total countable income shall not exceed 80% of the current federal poverty income guidelines; and

    b. The individual's total countable assets shall not exceed $2,000.

    2. Income methodologies. In determining whether an individual meets the income standard described in subdivision 1 of this section, the agency uses more liberal income methodologies than the SSI program as further described in 12VAC30-40-280.

    3. Resource methodologies. The agency uses resource methodologies in addition to any indicated in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this section that are more liberal than those used by the SSI program as described in 12VAC30-40-290.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. July 23, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.