Section 3030. Application to services  

Latest version.
  • A. Intensive in-home (IIH) services.

    1. Prior to the provision of IIH services, an independent clinical assessment shall be conducted by a person who meets the licensed mental health professional definition found at 12VAC35-105-20 and who is either employed by or contracted with a behavioral health services administrator (BHSA), community services board (CSB), behavioral health authority (BHA), or a subcontractor to the BHSA, CSB, or BHA in accordance with DMAS approval.

    2. IIH services that are rendered in the absence of the required prior independent clinical assessment shall not be reimbursed.

    B. Therapeutic day treatment (TDT) services.

    1. Prior to the provision of TDT services, an independent clinical assessment shall be conducted by a person who meets the licensed mental health professional definition found at 12VAC35-105-20 and who is employed by or contracted with a BHSA, CSB, BHA, or the subcontractor of the BHSA, CSB, or BHA in accordance with DMAS approval.

    2. TDT services that are rendered in the absence of the required prior independent clinical assessment shall not be reimbursed.

    C. Mental health support services (MHSS).

    1. Prior to the provision of MHSS, an independent clinical assessment, as defined in 12VAC30-130-3010, shall be conducted by a person who meets the licensed mental health professional definition found at 12VAC35-105-20 and who is employed by or contracted with a BHSA, CSB or BHA, or a subcontractor of a BHSA, CSB, or BHA in accordance with DMAS approval.

    2. MHSS rendered in the absence of the required prior independent clinical assessment shall not be reimbursed.

    D. Other Medicaid-covered community mental health services. DMAS may apply the independent clinical assessment requirement to any of the other Medicaid-covered community mental health services set out in 12VAC30-50-130 and 12VAC30-50-226 with appropriate and timely notice to providers. In such situations, DMAS shall not deny coverage to providers' claims for these affected services absent at least a 30-day notice of this change.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 09, eff. January 30, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.