Section 1630. General requirements for enrolled providers  

Latest version.
  • A. Requests for participation will be screened by DMAS to determine whether the provider applicant meets the requirements for participation. Requests for participation must be accompanied by verification of the facility's current licensure from DSS.

    B. For DMAS to approve provider agreements with AAL Waiver providers, providers must meet staffing, financial solvency, and disclosure of ownership requirements.

    1. Enrolled providers must assure freedom of choice to individuals, or their legally authorized representative, in seeking services from any institution, pharmacy, practitioner, or other provider qualified to perform the service or services required and participating in the Medicaid Program at the time the service or services are performed;

    2. Enrolled providers must assure the individual's freedom to refuse medical care, treatment, and services;

    3. Enrolled providers must accept referrals for services only when staff is available to initiate and perform such services on an ongoing basis;

    4. Enrolled providers must provide services and supplies to individuals in full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 USC § 2000 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, or national origin; the Virginians with Disabilities Act (§ 51.5-1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia); § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC § 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability; and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC § 12101 et seq.), which provides comprehensive civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities;

    5. Enrolled providers must provide services and supplies to individuals of the same quality as are provided to the general public;

    6. Enrolled providers must submit charges to DMAS for the provision of services and supplies to individuals in amounts not to exceed the provider's usual and customary charges to the general public and accept as payment in full the amount established by DMAS beginning with the individual's authorization date for the waiver services;

    7. Enrolled providers must use only DMAS-designated forms for service documentation. The provider must not alter the DMAS forms in any manner unless approval from DMAS is obtained prior to using the altered forms. If there is no designated DMAS form for service documentation, the provider must include all elements required by DMAS in the provider's service documentation;

    8. Enrolled providers must use DMAS-designated billing forms for submission of charges;

    9. Enrolled providers must perform no direct marketing activities to Medicaid individuals;

    10. Enrolled providers must maintain and retain business and professional records sufficient to document fully and accurately the nature, scope, and details of the services provided;

    a. In general, such records shall be retained for at least six years from the last date of service or as provided by applicable state laws, whichever period is longer. However, if an audit is initiated within the required retention period, the records shall be retained until the audit is completed and every exception resolved.

    b. Policies regarding retention of records shall apply even if the provider discontinues operation. DMAS shall be notified in writing of the storage location and procedures for obtaining records for review should the need arise. The storage location, as well as the agent or trustee, shall be within the Commonwealth;

    11. Enrolled providers must furnish information on request and in the form requested, to DMAS, the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia or his authorized representatives, federal personnel, and the state Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. The Commonwealth's right of access to provider agencies and records shall survive any termination of the provider agreement;

    12. Enrolled providers must disclose, as requested by DMAS, all financial, beneficial, ownership, equity, surety, or other interests in any and all firms, corporations, partnerships, associations, business enterprises, joint ventures, agencies, institutions, or other legal entities providing any form of health care services to individuals receiving Medicaid;

    13. Pursuant to 42 CFR § 431.300 et seq., 12VAC30-20-90, and any other applicable federal or state law, all providers shall hold confidential and use for authorized DMAS purposes only all medical assistance information regarding individuals served. A provider shall disclose information in his possession only when the information is used in conjunction with a claim for health benefits, or the data is necessary for the functioning of DMAS in conjunction with the cited laws;

    14. Enrolled providers must notify DMAS in writing at least 15 days before ownership or management of the facility changes;

    15. Pursuant to § 63.2-1606 of the Code of Virginia, if a participating enrolled provider knows or suspects that an individual using AAL Waiver services is being abused, neglected, or exploited, the party having knowledge or suspicion of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation must report this immediately from first knowledge to the local DSS or adult protective services hotline as applicable;

    16. In addition to compliance with the general conditions and requirements, all providers enrolled by DMAS shall adhere to the conditions of participation outlined in the individual provider participation agreements and in the applicable DMAS provider manual. DMAS shall conduct ongoing monitoring of compliance with provider participation standards and DMAS policies. A provider's noncompliance with DMAS policies and procedures may result in a retraction of Medicaid payment or termination of the provider agreement, or both;

    17. Enrolled providers are responsible for complying with § 63.2-1720 of the Code of Virginia regarding criminal record checks. All employees must have a satisfactory work record, as evidenced by references from prior job experience, including no evidence of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of persons who are incapacitated or older adults or children. The criminal record check shall be available for review by DMAS staff who are authorized by the agency to review these files. DMAS will not reimburse the provider for any services provided by an employee who has committed a barrier crime as defined herein; and

    18. Enrolled providers must immediately notify DMAS, in writing, of any change in the information that the provider previously submitted to DMAS.

    C. The Medicaid provider agreement shall terminate pursuant to § 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia upon conviction of the provider of a felony. A provider convicted of a felony in Virginia or in any other of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the U.S. territories, must, within 30 days of the conviction, notify the Virginia Medicaid Program and relinquish the provider agreement.

    D. Provider's responsibility for the Medicaid LTC Communication Form (DMAS-225). It shall be the responsibility of the service provider to notify DSS and DMAS, in writing, when any of the following circumstances occur:

    1. AAL Waiver services are implemented;

    2. An individual dies;

    3. An individual is discharged from the facility; or

    4. Any other circumstances (including hospitalization) that cause AAL Waiver services to cease or be interrupted for more than 30 days.

    E. Termination of waiver services.

    1. In a nonemergency situation, i.e., when the health and safety of the individual or provider personnel is not endangered, the participating provider shall give the individual or family/caregiver, or both, at least 30 days' written notification plus three days for mailing of the intent to discontinue services. The notification letter shall provide the reasons for and the effective date the provider is discontinuing services.

    2. In an emergency situation when the health and safety of the individual or provider personnel is endangered, the participating provider must notify DMAS immediately prior to discontinuing services. The written notification period shall not be required. If appropriate, local DSS Adult Protective Services must also be notified immediately.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 23, Issue 20, eff. July 11, 2007; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 20, eff. July 5, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.