Section 80. Payday lending pamphlet text  

Latest version.
  • The required text of the payday lending pamphlet referred to in 10VAC5-200-30 is as follows:



    Please take the time to carefully review the information contained in this pamphlet. It is designed to advise you of your rights and responsibilities in connection with obtaining a payday loan in Virginia under Chapter 18 (§ 6.2-1800 et seq.) of Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia. If you have any questions about payday lending or want additional information, you may contact the Virginia State Corporation Commission's Bureau of Financial Institutions toll-free at (800) 552-7945 or on the Internet at The Bureau of Financial Institutions has available a "Consumer Guide to Payday Lending" that may be viewed at this website or obtained by calling the toll-free telephone number listed above.

    In General: You are responsible for evaluating whether a payday loan is right for you. Alternatives may include among other things less expensive short-term financing from another financial institution, family, or friends, a cash advance on a credit card, an account with overdraft protection, or a loan repayable over several months.

    Advertisements: A lender is prohibited from sending you an envelope or other written material that gives the false impression that it is an official communication from a governmental entity, unless it is required by the United States Postal Service.

    Notice from Lender: The lender is required to provide you with a clear and conspicuous printed notice advising you that a payday loan is not intended to meet long-term financial needs and that you should use a payday loan only to meet occasional or unusual short-term cash needs.

    Information from Lender: Virginia law prohibits the lender from providing you with any false, misleading, or deceptive information.

    Payday Lending Database: Before making a payday loan to you, a lender is required by Virginia law to access a database that contains detailed information about payday loans made to Virginia residents by all lenders licensed to do business in Virginia. The database will inform the lender whether you are eligible for a payday loan. The Bureau of Financial Institutions is unable to advise you of your eligibility for a payday loan. If you are ineligible for a payday loan, the lender will provide you with the toll-free telephone number of the database provider, which you can use to find out the specific reason for your ineligibility. To enable the lender to check the database, you will be required to provide the lender with a written loan application and your original driver's license or identification card issued by a state driver's licensing authority (e.g., Department of Motor Vehicles for the Commonwealth of Virginia). If you wish to obtain a payday loan but do not have a driver's license or identification card, you will need to obtain a driver's license or identification card from the driver's licensing authority in your home state.

    Prohibition on Loans to Individuals with Certain Previous or Outstanding Loans: Virginia law prohibits a lender from making a payday loan to you if (i) you currently have an outstanding payday loan; (ii) you paid or satisfied in full a previous payday loan on the same day that you are applying for a new payday loan; (iii) in the past 90 days you paid or satisfied in full a previous payday loan by means of an extended payment plan; (iv) in the past 45 days you paid or satisfied in full a fifth payday loan that you obtained within a period of 180 days; (v) in the past 90 days you paid or satisfied in full an extended term loan; or (vi) in the past 150 days you entered into an extended term loan.

    It is important to note that the previous or outstanding payday loans referred to above include loans made by the same lender as well as any other lender conducting payday lending business in Virginia.

    Prohibition on Loans to Members of the Military and their Spouses and Dependents: Virginia law prohibits lenders from making payday loans to members of the military services of the United States as well as their spouses and dependents. If you are a regular or reserve member of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, or National Guard serving on active duty under a call or order that does not specify a period of 30 days or fewer, the lender is prohibited from making a payday loan to you. The lender is also prohibited from making a loan to you if (i) you are married to such a member, (ii) you are less than 18 years old and the son or daughter of such a member, or (iii) more than one-half of your financial support for the past 180 days was provided by such a member.

    Limitations on Security Interest / Prohibition on Obtaining Funds Electronically / Obtaining PINs: The lender cannot require you to provide more than one check as security for any payday loan. The check must be dated as of the date your loan is due. The lender cannot require you to provide any security for your payday loan other than a check payable to the lender. The lender is also prohibited from electronically debiting your deposit account or obtaining any of your funds by electronic means. The lender also cannot obtain any agreement from you that gives the lender or a third party the authority to prepare a check that is drawn upon your deposit account. Additionally, the lender is prohibited from obtaining or receiving a personal identification number (PIN) for a credit card, prepaid card, debit card, or any other type of card in connection with your loan.

    One Loan at a Time / $500 Maximum: The lender cannot have more than one loan outstanding to you at any one time. If you currently have an outstanding payday loan from any lender, you cannot obtain another payday loan. The maximum loan amount is $500.

    Minimum Loan Term: Under Virginia law, your loan term must be at least twice as long as your pay cycle. For example, if you are paid on a weekly basis, your minimum loan term would be 14 days.

    Fees, Charges, and Interest: The lender is permitted to charge you (i) interest at a simple annual rate of 36%, (ii) a loan fee not exceeding 20% of the amount of money advanced to you (i.e., $20 per $100 advanced), and (iii) a verification fee not exceeding $5.00. For example, if the lender advances you $300 for 31 days, the lender may charge you up to $9.30 interest, a loan fee of $60, and a verification fee of $5.00 for a total of $74.30. If the lender advances you $300 for 62 days, the lender may charge you up to $18.60 interest, a loan fee of $60, and a verification fee of $5.00 for a total of $83.60. Other than the specific fees and costs discussed in the section of this pamphlet entitled "Failure to Repay" (see below), no additional amounts may be directly or indirectly charged, contracted for, collected, received, or recovered by the lender.

    You will receive your loan proceeds in the form of either cash or a check from the lender. The lender cannot charge you a fee for cashing their check. Similarly, a check casher affiliated with the lender cannot charge you a fee for cashing the lender's check.

    Written Agreement: The lender must provide you with a written loan agreement, which must be signed by both you and an authorized representative of the lender. The loan agreement is a binding, legal document that requires you to repay the loan. Make sure you read the entire loan agreement carefully before signing and dating it. The lender must provide you with a duplicate original of the loan agreement at the time of your loan transaction. If any provision of your loan agreement violates Chapter 18 (§ 6.2-1800 et seq.) of Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia, the provision will not be enforceable against you.

    Extended Payment Plans: Under Virginia law eligible borrowers have the option of repaying a payday loan by means of an extended payment plan. You may only obtain an extended payment plan once in any rolling 12-month period (even if you obtain loans from different lenders or locations). You may obtain an extended payment plan at any time on or after the date that you received your loan through the date that your loan is due to be repaid.

    Under an extended payment plan, you are permitted to repay the amount you owe in at least four equal installments spread out evenly over a term of at least 60 days. You will not be charged any additional interest or fees in connection with an extended payment plan, and interest will not accrue during the term of an extended payment plan.

    If you obtain an extended payment plan, you will not be able to get another payday loan from any lender for a period of 90 days after you fully repay or satisfy the extended payment plan.

    Five Payday Loans within 180 Days: If you are obtaining a fifth payday loan within a rolling 180-day period, you have the option to (i) repay the fifth loan through an extended payment plan, unless you previously obtained an extended payment plan within the preceding 12 months, or (ii) obtain the loan in the form of an extended term loan.

    You do not have to choose either one of these options. However, even if you do not obtain an extended payment plan or extended term loan, you will not be able to obtain another payday loan from any lender for a period of 45 days after you fully repay or satisfy your fifth payday loan.

    Extended payment plans are discussed above. If you are eligible to repay your fifth payday loan by means of an extended payment plan and choose to do so, you will not be able to obtain another payday loan from any lender for a period of 90 days after you fully repay or satisfy the extended payment plan.

    An extended term loan is a payday loan under which you are permitted to repay the amount you owe in four equal installments spread out evenly over a term of 60 days. You may obtain an extended term loan even if you previously obtained another extended term loan or an extended payment plan. If you want an extended term loan, you must choose this option on the date you obtain the payday loan. If you obtain an extended term loan, you will not be able to get another payday loan from any lender for a period of 90 days after you fully repay or satisfy the extended term loan or 150 days after you obtain the extended term loan (whichever is longer).

    Other Businesses: A lender is prohibited by statute from engaging in other businesses, besides check cashing, unless permitted by order of the State Corporation Commission. A lender is also prohibited by statute from selling you any type of insurance coverage.

    Loans for Other Products & Services: You are prohibited from using any of the money from your payday loan to purchase any other product or service sold at the lender's business location.

    Right to Cancel: You have the right to cancel your loan at any time prior to the close of business on the next day the lender is open following the date your loan is made by paying the lender the amount advanced to you in cash, certified check, cashier's check, money order or, if the lender is equipped to handle such payments, by using a credit card, prepaid card, or debit card.

    Partial Payments and Prepayments: You have the right to make partial payments (in increments of not less than $5.00) on your payday loan at any time prior to its specified due date without penalty. If you make a partial payment, the total interest and loan fee you pay will be reduced (unless you have an extended payment plan or extended term loan -- see "Payments on Extended Payment Plans and Extended Term Loans" below). You have the right to receive signed, dated receipts for each payment made along with a statement of the balance remaining on your payday loan. You also have the right to prepay your loan in full before its specified due date without penalty by paying the lender in cash, certified check, cashier's check, money order or, if the lender is equipped to handle such payments, by use of a credit card, prepaid card, or debit card, the amount of money advanced to you as well as any accrued and unpaid interest and fees.

    Payments on Extended Payment Plans and Extended Term Loans: You have the right to prepay an extended payment plan or extended term loan without penalty. However, unless it results in the prepayment in full of an extended payment plan or extended term loan, a partial payment, excess payment, installment payment, or other payment you give to the lender in advance of the date the funds are due does not result in either a change to your payment schedule or a pro-rata adjustment of the total interest, if any, or loan fee that you will be required to pay. Payments you make on an extended payment plan or extended term loan are first applied to any past due installment and then to your next regularly scheduled installment. The lender must give you receipts, signed and dated by the lender, for all payments you make on an extended payment plan or extended term loan. When you make a payment on an extended payment plan or extended term loan, you have the option to give the lender a replacement security check for the remaining amount you owe. At your request, the lender may print a replacement security check on your behalf when you are in the lender's office and make a payment on an extended payment plan or extended term loan.

    Lender to Return Original Loan Agreement: Upon repayment of your loan in full, the lender must mark your original loan agreement with the word "paid" or "canceled" and return it to you. If you obtained an extended payment plan, the lender is also required to mark your original extended payment plan document with the word "paid" or "canceled" and return it to you.

    Lender to Return Security Check: If you cancel your loan (see "Right to Cancel" above) or repay it in full with cash or by certified check, cashier's check, money order or, if the lender is equipped to handle such payments, by using a credit card, prepaid card, or debit card, the lender must immediately return the check you gave as security for the loan.

    No Rollovers, Extensions, Etc.: The lender cannot refinance, renew, extend, or rollover your payday loan.

    Failure to Repay: Pay back your loan! Know when your payment is due and be sure to repay your loan on time and in full. You are responsible for having sufficient funds in your checking account on the due date of your loan so that your check does not bounce if the lender deposits it in his account. If you do not repay your loan by the specified due date, the lender may begin accruing interest on the principal amount of your loan at a maximum rate of 6.0% per year.

    In collecting or attempting to collect a payday loan, the lender is required to comply with the restrictions and prohibitions applicable to debt collectors contained in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC § 1692 et seq., regarding harassment or abuse, false or misleading misrepresentations, and unfair practices in collections. The lender is also prohibited from threatening or beginning criminal proceedings against you if a check you provide to the lender bounces. If a lender knowingly violates this prohibition, the lender is required to pay you a civil monetary penalty equal to three times the amount of the dishonored check.

    If you cannot or do not repay the loan: (i) the lender is permitted to recover from you any fee charged to the lender (maximum of $25) as a result of your check being returned due to your account being closed by you or containing insufficient funds, or if you stopped payment on your check; and (ii) if the lender seeks and obtains judgment against you as a result of your returned check, the lender may obtain court costs and reasonable attorney's fees (total may not exceed $250) if such costs and fees are awarded by the court.

    The lender cannot file or initiate a legal proceeding against you until 60 days after the date that you default on a payday loan, including a default under an extended payment plan or extended term loan. During this 60-day period the lender may voluntarily enter into a repayment arrangement with you.

    Legal Action Against Lender: You have the right to bring a civil action against the lender if you suffer a loss as a result of the lender violating any provision of Chapter 18 (§ 6.2-1800 et seq.) of Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia. If you are successful in your civil action, you have the right to be reimbursed for reasonable attorney's fees, expert witness fees, and court costs you have incurred in connection with your civil action. Losses suffered as the result of the lender's violation of Chapter 18 of Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia may also be pursued under the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (§ 59.1-196 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), which in some cases permits consumers to recover actual and punitive damages.

    Complaints and Contacting the Bureau of Financial Institutions: For assistance with any complaints you may have against a payday lender, please contact the Bureau of Financial Institutions toll free at (800) 552-7945 or on the Internet at Complaints must be filed in writing with the Bureau of Financial Institutions and include copies of supporting documentation. Complaints should be mailed to Bureau of Financial Institutions, Attn: Complaints, P.O. Box 640, Richmond, Virginia 23218-0640, or faxed to Bureau of Financial Institutions, Attn: Complaints, at (804) 371-9416.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 18, Issue 24, eff. July 22, 2002; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 11, eff. March 1, 2006; Volume 25, Issue 04, eff. January 1, 2009; Volume 30, Issue 17, eff. May 1, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§§ 6.2-1815 and 12.1-13 of the Code of Virginia.