Section 33. Extended payment plans  

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  • A. In any rolling 12-month period, an eligible borrower may elect to pay an outstanding payday loan from any licensee by means of an extended payment plan. A borrower shall not be eligible to obtain an extended payment plan if the borrower obtained an extended payment plan within the preceding 12 months.

    B. A borrower may enter into an extended payment plan at any time on or after the date a loan is made through the date that the loan is due to be repaid. A borrower shall not be permitted to repay a past due payday loan by means of an extended payment plan. If a loan is past due and a borrower cannot obtain an extended payment plan, a licensee may voluntarily accept payments from a borrower in accordance with subsection H of 10VAC5-200-70.

    1. If an eligible borrower elects an extended payment plan, a licensee shall permit the borrower to repay the amount owed in at least four equal installments over a term of at least 60 days. The dollar amount of each installment shall be the same and the installment due dates shall be spread out evenly over the term of the extended payment plan (e.g., if the term is 60 days and there are four installments, an installment shall be due every 15 days).

    2. If a borrower enters into an extended payment plan on the date a loan is made, the check used to secure the loan shall be dated as of the date the final installment is due. A licensee shall not require or accept multiple checks or any additional or alternative security in connection with an extended payment plan. A borrower shall have the option of exchanging security checks with a licensee at the time the borrower makes a payment on an extended payment plan. If a borrower wishes to exchange security checks, a licensee shall upon receipt of the payment return the check held as security to the borrower and the borrower shall deliver to the licensee a replacement security check, dated as of the date the final installment is due, for the remaining amount owed to the licensee.

    3. A borrower who elects to repay a payday loan with an extended payment plan shall not be eligible for another payday loan until 90 days after the borrower has repaid or satisfied in full the balance of the loan.

    C. A licensee shall provide notice to borrowers of the potential availability of the extended payment plan option in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.

    1. A licensee shall conspicuously post in each licensed location a written notice in at least 24-point bold type informing borrowers that they may be eligible to enter into an extended payment plan. The minimum size for such written notice shall be 24 inches by 18 inches.

    2. The title of the written notice, which shall appear in at least 48-point bold type, shall be "NOTICE – EXTENDED PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE TO ELIGIBLE BORROWERS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST."

    3. The required text of the written notice shall be as follows:

    If you are eligible, you have the option of repaying a payday loan by means of an extended payment plan. You may only obtain an extended payment plan once in any rolling 12-month period (even if you obtain loans from different lenders or locations). You may obtain an extended payment plan at any time on or after the date that you receive your loan through the date that your loan is due to be repaid. Under an extended payment plan, you will be permitted to repay the amount you owe in at least four equal installments over a term of at least 60 days. You will not be charged any additional interest or fees in connection with an extended payment plan, and interest will not accrue during the term of an extended payment plan. When you make a payment on an extended payment plan, you will have the option of providing a replacement security check for the remaining amount you owe. Please be advised that if you obtain an extended payment plan, you will not be permitted to get another payday loan from any lender for a period of 90 days after you fully repay or satisfy the extended payment plan.

    4. If the payday lending database referred to in 10VAC5-200-110 advises a licensee that an applicant is eligible for an extended payment plan, the licensee shall immediately provide oral notice to the applicant that (i) the applicant is eligible to repay the payday loan through an extended payment plan; (ii) information about extended payment plans may be found on the poster in the licensee's office or in the "Borrower Rights and Responsibilities" pamphlet; and (iii) the licensee is available to answer any questions that the applicant may have about extended payment plans. When providing this notice, the licensee shall also direct the applicant to the specific locations of both the poster referred to in subdivision 1 of this subsection and the section of the pamphlet entitled "Extended Payment Plans."

    D. A licensee shall immediately give a borrower receipts, signed and dated by the licensee, for all payments made in connection with an extended payment plan. The receipts shall also state the loan balance due after each payment.

    E. A licensee shall retain the written and signed extended payment plan document identifying the terms of the extended payment plan and provide the borrower with a duplicate original. A licensee shall also retain copies of receipts provided in accordance with subsection D of this section. Upon full repayment or satisfaction of an extended payment plan, a licensee shall mark both the original loan agreement and original extended payment plan document with the word "paid" or "canceled," return both items to the borrower, and retain copies in its loan records.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 04, eff. January 1, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 6.2-1815 and 12.1-13 of the Code of Virginia.