Section 20. Requirements for licensees; operating rules; acquisitions  

Latest version.
  • A. A licensee shall maintain unencumbered liquid assets per place of business in Virginia of at least $25,000 at all times. The minimum liquid assets required to be maintained pursuant to this subsection shall be separate and apart from, and in addition to, any minimum liquid assets that the licensee is required to maintain in connection with any other business conducted in the same office.

    B. Any person submitting an application to acquire, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the voting shares of a corporation or 25% or more of the ownership of any other person licensed to conduct business under the Act shall pay a nonrefundable application fee of $500.

    C. Each original license shall be prominently posted in each place of business of the licensee. In order for a licensee to receive a replacement or reissued license, a licensee shall pay a fee of $50 per place of business to the commission. Licenses will only be replaced or reissued if the licensee is in compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to the conduct of the licensee's business.

    D. If a person has filed a bond with the bureau, as required by § 6.2-1804 of the Code of Virginia, such bond shall be retained by the bureau notwithstanding the occurrence of any of the following events:

    1. The person's license is surrendered, suspended, or revoked; or

    2. The person ceases engaging in business as a payday lender.

    E. Upon becoming licensed, a licensee shall give written notice to the bureau of its commencement of business within 10 days thereafter.

    F. For purposes of clause 1 (v) of § 6.2-1816 of the Code of Virginia, the number of days in a borrower's pay cycle and the corresponding minimum loan term shall be determined by a licensee in accordance with the following:

    1. If a borrower is paid on a weekly or more frequent basis, there are seven days in the borrower's pay cycle and the minimum loan term shall be 14 days.

    2. If a borrower is paid on a biweekly basis, there are 14 days in the borrower's pay cycle and the minimum loan term shall be 28 days.

    3. If a borrower is paid on a semimonthly basis, there are 15 days in the borrower's pay cycle and the minimum loan term shall be 31 days.

    4. If a borrower is paid on a monthly basis, there are 30 days in the borrower's pay cycle and the minimum loan term shall be 62 days.

    5. If a borrower is paid either (i) less frequently than monthly, or (ii) on an irregular basis (but less frequently than weekly), there are 30 days in the borrower's pay cycle and minimum loan term shall be 62 days.

    G. A licensee shall retain supporting documentation for a borrower's pay cycle in each loan file, which may consist of (i) a copy of a borrower's pay stub or similar periodic earnings statement that clearly reflects the borrower's pay cycle, or (ii) a representation by the borrower in the written loan application.

    H. A licensee shall not (i) electronically debit a borrower's deposit account or otherwise obtain any funds from a borrower by electronic means, including the use of the Automated Clearing House network, electronic funds transfers, electronic check conversions, or re-presented check entries; or (ii) obtain any agreement from a borrower that gives the licensee or a third party the authority to create or otherwise prepare a check that is drawn upon the borrower's account at a depository institution. However, this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a licensee from printing a replacement security check on behalf of a borrower, at the borrower's request, at such time that the borrower is present in the licensed office and makes a payment on an extended payment plan or an extended term loan. A replacement security check shall be (i) dated as of the date the loan or final installment is due, (ii) issued for the remaining amount owed to the licensee, (iii) manually signed by the borrower, and (iv) exchanged for the check that was previously held as security.

    I. With the exception of the check given by a borrower to a licensee as security for a payday loan, a licensee shall not collect or receive from a borrower any interest or fees permitted by § 6.2-1817 of the Code of Virginia, either in whole or in part, prior to the date of loan maturity unless the borrower is voluntarily making a full or partial prepayment pursuant to 10VAC5-200-40. If a borrower enters into an extended payment plan or extended term loan, a licensee shall not collect or receive any interest or fees, either in whole or in part, prior to the due date of a scheduled installment unless the borrower is voluntarily making a payment in advance.

    J. The amount of the check given by a borrower to a licensee as security for a payday loan shall not exceed the sum of the principal amount advanced to the borrower and the interest and fees permitted by § 6.2-1817 of the Code of Virginia. If a borrower enters into an extended payment plan at the time a loan is obtained, the amount of the check shall not include any interest.

    K. Upon satisfaction of a loan or upon learning that a loan has been satisfied, a licensee shall attach to each loan agreement either (i) a copy of the signed and dated receipt for the payment that satisfied the loan or (ii) if a judgment was obtained and satisfied, a copy of the judgment marked satisfied.

    L. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision B 2 of 10VAC5-200-33 or subdivision D 1 of 10VAC5-200-35, the check used to secure a payday loan shall be dated as of the date the loan is due. A licensee shall not deposit or otherwise present for payment a check given as security for a loan, including an extended term loan or a loan that a borrower elected to repay by means of an extended payment plan, prior to the date stated on the face of the check. A licensee shall not require or accept multiple checks or any additional or alternative security in connection with a payday loan.

    M. If a borrower (i) cancels a loan in accordance with subsection G of 10VAC5-200-40, or (ii) repays a loan in full with cash or a good funds instrument and not with the check securing the loan, the licensee shall immediately return the check given as security for the loan to the borrower.

    N. A licensee or former licensee shall provide the following information to the bureau within 10 days after such person's license is surrendered or revoked or the licensed business is otherwise closed: (i) the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of a designated contact person, the person responsible for updating information in the payday lending database, and the person who consumers may contact to make payment arrangements for outstanding payday loans; (ii) the location of the licensee's or former licensee's payday loan records; and (iii) any additional information that the bureau may reasonably require. A licensee or former licensee shall maintain current information with the bureau until the licensee or former licensee has no outstanding payday loans.

    O. A person shall remain subject to the provisions of the Act and this chapter applicable to licensees in connection with all payday loans that the person made while licensed as a payday lender notwithstanding the occurrence of any of the following events:

    1. The person's license is surrendered, suspended, or revoked; or

    2. The person ceases making payday loans.

    P. If a licensee or former licensee disposes of records containing a consumer's personal financial information, such records shall be shredded, incinerated, or otherwise disposed of in a secure manner. A licensee or former licensee may arrange for service from a business record destruction vendor.

    Q. Within 15 days following the occurrence of any of the following events, a licensee shall file a written report with the Commissioner of Financial Institutions describing the event and its expected impact, if any, on the activities of the licensee in Virginia:

    1. Bankruptcy, reorganization, or receivership proceedings are filed by or against the licensee.

    2. The Attorney General or any other Virginia governmental authority institutes an action against the licensee under the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (§ 59.1-196 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).

    3. Any local, state, or federal governmental authority institutes revocation, suspension, or other formal administrative, regulatory, or enforcement proceedings against the licensee.

    4. Any local, state, or federal governmental authority (i) revokes or suspends the licensee's payday lender license, deferred presentment license, or similar license; (ii) takes formal administrative, regulatory, or enforcement action against the licensee relating to its payday lending, deferred presentment, or similar business; or (iii) takes any other action against the licensee relating to its payday lending, deferred presentment, or similar business where the total amount of restitution or other payment from the licensee exceeds $20,000. A licensee shall not be required to provide the Commissioner of Financial Institutions with information about such event to the extent that such disclosure is prohibited by the laws of another state.

    5. Based on allegations by any local, state, or federal governmental authority that the licensee violated any law or regulation applicable to the conduct of its licensed payday lending, deferred presentment, or similar business, the licensee enters into, or otherwise agrees to the entry of, a settlement or consent order, decree, or agreement with or by such governmental authority.

    6. The licensee surrenders its license to engage in payday lending, deferred presentment, or similar business in another state in lieu of threatened or pending license revocation, license suspension, or other administrative, regulatory, or enforcement action.

    7. The licensee is denied a license to engage in payday lending, deferred presentment, or similar business in another state.

    8. The licensee or any of its members, partners, directors, officers, principals, or employees is indicted or convicted of a felony.

    R. Pursuant to subsection B of § 6.2-1801 of the Code of Virginia, a licensee shall not make a payday loan that has been arranged or brokered by another person. This provision shall not be construed to prohibit a licensee from originating payday loans through its own employees.

    S. A licensee shall comply with all federal laws and regulations applicable to the conduct of its business, including but not limited to the Truth in Lending Act (15 USC § 1601 et seq.), Regulation Z (12 CFR Part 1026), the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (15 USC § 1691 et seq.), Regulation B (12 CFR Part 1002), and the Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information (16 CFR Part 314).

    T. A licensee shall not obtain or receive a personal identification number (PIN) for a credit card, prepaid card, debit card, or any other type of card in connection with a payday loan transaction.

    U. A licensee shall not provide any information to a borrower or prospective borrower that is false, misleading, or deceptive.

    V. A licensee shall not engage in any activity that directly or indirectly results in an evasion of the provisions of the Act or this chapter.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 18, Issue 24, eff. July 22, 2002; amended, Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 04, eff. January 1, 2009; Volume 28, Issue 20, eff. June 1, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 17, eff. May 1, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§§ 6.2-1815 and 12.1-13 of the Code of Virginia.